Well, it was a great day at the Dastrup house. The Dastrup parents are currently somewhere over the skys of the east (but that isn't what made it fun). Benjamin and Jacob were just the best little kids on the whole New Mexico landscape today. Little Jacob has a cold, but he was still an angel baby! He never cried once all day. And I got to hold him in my lap through an entire Baby Einstien show. I had my arms around him, hugging him to me and at one point, I let one of my arms drop, and he picked it up and put it back around him! Very SWEET!! I loved it. He thinks Baby Einstien is HILARIOUS!!! I must be slow....I just don't get it!

Benjamin and I made a huge zoo complex out of blocks for his animals. We used every last block, and were wishing for more. We had a good time with that. And of course we had to read in his dinosaur books several times. I kept getting the pronunciation wrong. He says, "Grandma! how come you keep saying the names wrong???" I must be slow....I just don't get it!

In his prayer, several times today he says..."and please help Grandma Groneman love us even more than she already does, and help her to move to New Mexico...."
Now that is scarey! Just think about that one dear! You know that the Lord really listens to 4 year old prayers....And then think about moving all the STUFF in our house!!! Maybe dear, you should put in some prayers of your own, to counterbalance Benjamins (only you would have to pray at least twice as long as Benjamin for it to have any counterbalance effect...)

I am worried about the Dastrups in the famine ahead. When I open the cupboards, I don't have to be ready to catch the food as it wants to topple out. Makes me feel like the famine has already arrived here! Too bad you aren't here dear, to enjoy these cute little boys! I miss you!

One last question to Brett: It says on your calander that you have an IHC orientation on Monday...what is that for?

I am CONSTANTLY thirsty in this desert!


Unknown said…
Don't worry Mom. That IHC thing is just one of many many little things to do for school. That was part of my school calendar. It's not work-related. But thanks for the reminder. That's what I'll be doing tomorrow night.

Sounds like you're having fun down there. Say hi to the dudes from Uncle Brett.
Gramps said…
Tell Benjamin that he needs to move back to Utah so he can have ALL his grandparents around. :-)

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