On many products such as hair spray, deodorant, and gel, there is a scale from 1 to 5 or 1 to 10 on the back of different levels of strength and it tells you what number you bought. For example, my hairspray is level 8 "super mega hold" and my mousse is level 8 "extra hold". So the question is, has anyone ever seen a level 3 "really wussy hold" or level 1 "won't hold"? Why do they have these great scales of they only ever sell level 8 (or for scales of 1 to 5 they only sell level 4). Occasionally I'll see a product with a 10 or a 5, but that is rare.


Gramps said…
Yea! I've noticed that every time I go out and buy hair spray and hair gel.......... Marilyn buys the deodorant and I assume if I smelled bad she'd change brands or move out.
Unknown said…
That's how they market diamonds too.

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