Fun in utah

We are having fun visiting gramps. But poor little Kiera misses her daddy. We did 2 video chats online with him yesterday and both times as soon as she saw him on the screen she held out her arms and said "daddy hold you" (daddy hold me). It was sad. We talk about how we went away and how daddy misses us and he is sad but we'll go back home after a while.
Kiera has 2 blankets and normally we only let her sleep with one. Last night at bedtime she had a blankie but wanted the other one but I couldn't find it so I put her to bed with the one she had and she seemed a bit sad. About 15 minutes later I went into to find her crying. When I asked her why she was crying she said "other blankie go away; this blankie sad!" I guess her blankies are friends. Poor little thing. After that I made sure we searched the house long enough to find it. I didn't want her missing her daddy AND her blankie.
Gramps is getting the Grandpa of the year award for taking care of his 2 little fussy granddaughters. He gets to do it by himself for 2 days starting tomorrow... wish him luck.


Marilyn said…
FUN pictures!! I love it! It will soften the sorry of leaving this cute little family to come back to those cute little ladies!
Gramps said…
There's really only one caviat there have to come home........
Erica said…
I love the little Kiera stories. They make me smile.

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