I saw Emmy yesterday for a few hours and I will get to see her again tomorrow as they are coming for dinner...and I had the chance to play with Cambrie's little dollies up until a week ago...but I keep waiting for pictures of TY! He is a month old now. Probably doesn't even look like the same baby as they grow and change so fast! Christa, I know that you are a busy little mom with 3 little guys to take care of now...but perhaps next time Brigham has a day off one of you could get some pictures to enjoy on this blog. Chad actually brought this subject up yesterday when he was expressing his desire for some new pictures of Ty. So I am not alone in my wish.
Last night we got together with my siblings for our couples dinner at mom and dads. Weber's weren't there, but the rest of us were. I about got cancelled because "mom wasn't up to it" but we hear that every month, and she is always happy as a clam and acts fine (physically) while we were there. It is probably the highlight of her month. Last night we got talking about places that we have been. For every place, mom spoke up"because I have been there" and railed up one side and down the other about what a "dirty disgusting place it is! and how she can't imagine how anyone could stand to live there! Even places that she has never been: Thailand, Norway, Denmark, Cancun etc etc. They were all severely condemned. She seems more Out of it every month. She still knows who we are...but it is hard to go over there when she is the way she is. It is just sad. Kim and I would both like to be safely dead by the time we are 72 so we don't have to go to where she is. That gives us 19 years left...if we can be so lucky as to get our wish.

Guy was laid off of his job, and has applied to take a temporary job in Washington DC. If he gets it, he would live in a hotel until the job was done (several months), and Anne would likely go with him...which would leave no one to take care of that huge yard...dont' know what they would do with that. But he may not get the job.

Not much other news from the Haslem bunch. Jake is taking a job as a dentist on an indian reservation in Flagstaff, Arizona. Nice place. Andrea W says she's don't at all sure she likes being the only Weber kid left in the state, "makes for weird gatherings at my folks on Sunday....but she make like things even less if the Webers are gone all summer to DC. Kathy has been asked to extend her mission at the MTC (she helps missionaries who don't know how to read and with other problems) She is going to be an Amazing missionary herself some day. She studies the gospel more than any other person I know.

I went out and pruned my roses today. It is a beautiful day outside...so Kim and I took a daylight walk for a change too! I am really not at all sure I am ready for winter to go away. Too much I still want to do inside! I am not ready for yardwork yet! But, my vote doesn't count for much on if it goes away, so I guess I'll just have to "come what may, and Love it!"


Cambrienelson said…
Crazy that guy lost his job. I hope they do ok.

I too vote for pictures of Ty, but I also understand that cake is probably in survival mode and posting pictures isn't necessary for survival.

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