So a while ago, I posted that I got in a car accident on my no good very bad day. Well you'll all be glad to know that I got my car fixed about 2 weeks ago and it only cost about $350. It's an interesting story. I cant remember where I was coming from but I was craving a Wendy's double stack so I pulled into the drivethrough and was waiting my turn. All of the sudden, I hear somebody honking behind me. I turn around to see who the impatient jerk was and I see this big ol truck with a lady leaning out the window signaling me to roll down my window so she could talk to me. I proceed and she yells out to me "hey, did you know you have a big dent on your passenger side?" I thought it was a little strange but told her I was aware. She then proceeded to tell me that she would give me a free estimate on the damages on my car and to pull around so she could look at it. When I did, she got out and looked at it a bit and told me that she could fix it for $400. I told her I was still looking around and if she wanted to give my her number I'd consider her offer. Then she told me "Well, I guess I could do it for $300 and I could do it right now and it would only take an hour" I thought about it and agreed as I really need my car to get around and I would have paid 400 for the other place I was going to take it to anyways. So her and her husband pulled out all their tools from their truck and fixed my car right there in the wendy's parking lot. It actually doesn't look bad. The only thing that I can tell is that the paint they painted over doesn't have the shiny chrome but it's the same color. I'm happy with it.

I may be mistaken but, my name might not be as unique as I once thought it was. Tonight on my way home from work, I was listening to the radio and some guy had called the radio station to give a shout out. I was shocked when he said "hey, yeah I'd like to give a shout out to my old fiance, Breanna Groneman, of 9 years ago. I miss you baby." I might have heard it wrong but if I did, it was a name that was EXTREMELY close sounding to mine. Anyways, I'm pretty sure I wasn't engaged 9 years ago. That would be kindof weird if I was.

Oh yes, and I just wanted to let you all know that I'm a runner chick now. I ran 2 1/2 miles straight today in under 30 min. I rock.


Cambrienelson said…
Wow buff!!! you are totally going to surpass me in running! Yes you do rock!
Stevo said…
What were you doing hanging out with guys when you were 11 years old??? And as for the name, I was expecting the radio announcer to say, "Buffalo Groneman..."
Chad said…
Go miss runner Buffalo!
Erica said…
Random about the people who fixed your car. I wonder if they just drive around doing that all day, with all the tools they need in their car. Whatever works, I suppose.
Gramps said…
That's pretty nice that they were able to fix it for that. Did they fix your bumper so it's all hooked on again? As for the running....I'm so proud of you!!!!
Marilyn said…
Well, Buffo (Kiera's prayers for you), you have now done something I have NEVER done! 2 1/2 miles in under 30 minutes! YOU DO ROCK!!! Way to go! I am so VERY PROUD of you!

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