News Flash!!!

Christa and the little guys are flying in Sunday morning (compliments of his parents) for Brigham's Grandpa's funeral that is this Thursday. (Brigham, I know this is probably a good thing for your grandpa that he was released from this life when it couldn't be good anymore, but I know you will still feel the ache of loss, so my condolences to you).
But it will be fun to see the Dastrup's and introduce the boys to Emmy and get more pictures of course! I am hoping that both of our boys will be able to come over some time this week for a visit. Thursday is probably out...Chad can't come Sunday...I would still like to be able to get our boys together for dinner at the same time but with Brett's crazy schedule this semester, not too likely. Anyway...thought I would give you a heads up boys, so you and your wives can decide what night might work to come for dinner. Christa will be happy to see you all, as we are , as always!
Let us know when you would like to come.


Katie Groneman said…
Brett has to work Monday, and I have meetings Tues and Wed till about 5:00 - can it be a late-ish dinner? Ironically, Thursday night is our most open night... Let us know if one of those nights will work and I'll double check with Brett when he gets home in the morning.
Gramps said…
Since Dastrup grandparents are paying for this trip and it's a funeral for someone special, I imagine Christa & crew will be spending most of their time with that side of the it should be. I would suggest that the Dastrups let us all know an evening when they'll be around here.
Marilyn said…
I will ask Christa when when she arrives if Thursday evening maybe will be open. They of course should be with the Dastrups as long as they want to on that day. But, her children go down early and they will be at our house to sleep, so maybe we could have a late dinner that evening with them. I will let you know.

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