Sisterly Love - Ain't It Touching?

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Cambrie up and took our 2 little California Grand-daughters back home! And now the entertainment in this house has just dropped to the blah category! Those 2 little girls are just so fun and delightful. Work, yes! But OH SO CUTE!!! Cambrie had 3 night shifts in a row at the Emergency Room, so I had the normally "momma duty" of getting up with Lydia in the night time. Lydia has been used to waking up several times a night to have the pacifier re-inserted or to be turned over. Cambrie hasn't wanted to "sleep train" her because Lydia sleeps in the same room with Kiera at home and Cambrie didn't want Lydia's crying to waken Kiera. So this was the best time to sleep train her.
Lydia has had quite a talent for spitting out her pacifier. Cambrie says she can shoot that sucker a full 5 feet away! And so, for Lydia it was a game of spitting it out (when you put her down to nap, or for bed) time after you pretty much had to stay with her until she was asleep so you could re insert it every time it came out. SO, the first night Cambrie was gone, I set about sleep training her. It wasn't fun. She woke up, I re- inserted the plug. She woke up again, five minutes later, plug gone. I got her up, changed her pants, fed her, re-inserted the plug, and went to bed. 5 minutes later, she is crying again. This time, I forced myself to stay in bed and let her protest. She protested for awhile. ...I went back in...spoke soothingly to her while patting her on the back (no plug this time) and went back to bed. I listened to protests, on and off for about 1 hr 15 minutes. Then she went to sleep, and never woke up to get plugged again for the rest of the trip!
I still gave it to her when she was going down for sleep, but I noticed that the firing away of the pacifier was stopped completely by that one night of finding out she couldn't get it back. Pretty smart little cuss! SO Very cute too! She sure can make you giddy with love with that smile of hers!
I would like ya'll to notice in the pictures: Emmy looks like she is as tall height wise as Lydia is. Chad told me that Emmy measured 24" last week at her 2 mo checkup. Cambrie, measure Lydia and see how long she measures.... Emmy was 18" at birth, so 6" growth in 2 months is pretty remarkable!
We are pretty blessed to have the CUTEST GRANDKIDS ON THE PLANET TOO!


Cambrienelson said…
Thank you mom and dad for taking care of my little ladies! And thanks mom for starting my sleep training. She is sleeping in the office tonight and we are continuing the trend. Like I've said before, babies are maliable and I'm not going to let Lydia be high-maintanance anymore. She'll be sleeping through the night in a matter of a week.
Kiera was soooo excited to see her daddy and be home. It has taken me an entire day to get unpacked, but it is nice to be home and back to normal life.
Erica said…
Emmy actually was 21" at birth, but we still think growing 3.25 inches in 2 months is good.

Sleep training isn't fun, but it is so worth it when it's done.
Unknown said…
I personally was sleep trained well.

And I like the picture of Kiera covering Lydia's eyes.

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