Dastrup Blog

Most of my siblings have been checking our blog, but we are a little offended that it still hasn't made the Groneman Family Blog list. If you want the latest on our job search and cute kids, that's the place to find it!


Marilyn said…
YEAH! Erica and I were both saying that yesterday that we need a link to it on this blog...Kim and Chad..we call you to repentance! Please, link us up!
Erica said…
I didn't even know you had a blog until yesterday. Don't think I have access to it either (hint hint). :)
Unknown said…

It's a public blog (Thankfully!) so you do have access to it.

And my advice is to set up an RSS reader with all of these family blogs you want to keep in touch with. It makes it so you don't have to keep checking back with each individual blog to see if there's an update. You just go to the reader's web page, and it tells you what blogs etc. have updates and new posts.

I use and recommend Google reader, but there's lots of choices.

Gramps said…
I had no clue Dastrups had a blog....if I ever had a clue, I certainly did forget it.
Erica said…
Thanks, Brett. I had heard it was a private blog, so thanks for the site!
Marilyn said…
Tough getting old, ain't it dear!?! :)

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