not your average cruise

Steve and I just returned from our 5-day cruise to Catalina Island and Mexico. Half of the cruise was a blast and the other half was …um…interesting.

Day1: Super dizzy upon boarding the boat—oh man, I hope I’m not seasick the whole time. Too bad none of the food looks appetizing. Developed a painful cough about the time I got on board.

Night 1: Cold cold cold. Just couldn’t get warm and couldn’t sleep—was up wandering the boat in the middle of the night thinking to myself: “why didn’t people tell me to bring warm clothes on a cruise—I had no idea it could be so cold!” Thinking secretly to myself that I don’t really like cruises and I don’t think I’ll do another one again.

Day 2: terrible headache. Took some Tylenol and off to Catalina island. Had a blast snorkeling with Steve and his brother, Devin, and his wife Lena. That night was the “Formal night” on the boat and we ate lobster. Mine just wasn’t very appetizing—too bad --I must just have some seasickness. What is the point of all of the good food if you don’t have the appetite for it?

Night 2: COLD. Shaking uncontrollably because I’m so cold. Nauseated, dizzy, aching. Miserable night waiting for morning to come so I can get off the boat and hopefully feel better.

Day 3: A visit to the infirmary first thing in the morning. The cost to see the doctor: $80. I about decided to forget it and just get off the boat to see if I’d feel better, but the nurse took my vitals: Temp 101.5 (with Tylenol), Blood pressure: 82/40, Heart rate 103 (mine is usually 55). We decided to see the doctor. We later walked out of the infirmary with a doctors bill larger than the entire cost of my cruise, a diagnosis of influenza type A (50% chance it is swine flu), and instructions that I am to be quarantined to my room and I’m to wear a mask any time anyone is in the room with me. So much for going to Mexico.

Night 3: It is pretty weird to sleep with a mask on but I slept a lot better on medications. I had to keep getting up and changing my clothes because I was soaking my clothes with sweat. After I’d gone through all of my own comfortable clothing I started on Steve’s t-shirts (shhhh…don’t tell him!)

Day 4: Symptoms nothing worse than the common cold since I’m medicated. I’m pretty sick of being in this tiny window-less prison that tips from side to side. I don’t think I’ve ever not seen the light of day for so long! ‘They’re coming to take me away, ha-ha….’

Night 4: More sweat.

Day 5: So nice to exit my prison and see the light of day again. Too bad our car battery was dead when we went to start our car. This was particularly distressing since I called Steves mom and she told me she had taken Kiera into the ER since she was having difficulty breathing at 3AM. We got a jump, went to Steve's parents house, steve went and got a new battery in the car, and then we went directly to an urgent care where we were all diagnosed with swine flu (except steve who just gets to take the medicine just in case. They didn't bother testing him). Right after we got home from urgent care buff gave kiera some tylenol. 5 minutes later I found Kiear drinking the bottle of tylenol. Poison control said it wasn't enough to merit a trip to the ER though (good thing since that would have been ER visit #3 for Kiera for that day).

The positive out of all of this:

At least I didn’t have true sea-sickness. I don’t think ANYTHING is as bad as extreme nausea. I’ll take swine flu any day thanks.
Having influenza gave me something interesting to Blog about : ) PS—I wrote this blog all while stuck in a tiny window-less swaying room…..because I had nothing better to do with my time!


Unknown said…
Ug! That's awful Cambrie1N1!

You have very poor timing for getting sick.

Have the symptoms lightened up yet? How about the kiddos?
Cambrienelson said…
Lydia is going through the worst of it and Steve is just starting it. I'm on the tail end and I think Kiera is over the difficult hump
Stevo said…
How long does it take to officially "get off the boat" b/c it still feels like I'm ROCKING BACK AND FORTH!
Erica said…
What a trip! Wow. I'm so sorry, especially since you've been looking forward to this for months! I hope everyone gets better soon!
Chad said…
What a cruise. I'm sorry... that's totally a bummer.
Marilyn said…
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Marilyn said…
Blogger Marilyn said...

Yeah,what is it with my family? They can't do pregnancy right, cruises right, and one of them even got barfy on his wedding day! You guys should have been watching better from heaven! I tried to set a good example for you to follow!

There were at least 100 sick people on our cruise too that were quarantined in their cabin. For the rest of us, they wouldn't even let you in to the buffet unless you used their hand sanitizer, and the last couple of days they wrapped off the places you normally get your own food with Saran wrap so you couldn't even get in there. They had to dip you up which was a big pain in the tush! Gratefully, we dodged the germ!!! Sorry you didn''t punkin!

27 September, 2009 17:20
Gramps said…
Oh poor punkin! I wish I was there to hold you and wipe your forehead with a wet cloth and tell you stories and try to make you feel better. :'-(
Stevo said…
I thought everyone but Cambrie threw up on their wedding day or honeymoon?
Christa said…
Tragic story. I'm so sorry for you! Will there be a next time?

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