A first for ME!!

I got to shake hands with a prophet of God today! Elder L Tom Perry just spoke in our Stake Conference, and I got to shake his hand after the meeting! That was a first for me! Our plane arrived at SLC international at 1 pm, when the meeting started...but with the quickest exit from the airport in the history of the world, I was in our meeting in Cedar Hills at 2pm and he spoke at 2:30 pm! I have seen in person, many times at the conference center, the AF Tabernacle, and the McKay Events center...but never in my little church in po-dunk Cedar Hills
So, here is how the miracle went down! Kim and I had been assigned to seats on the plane about 20 rows apart, so we asked at the gate if they could switch us. Not only did they switch us, we were in the first row, right behind first class...so we were first in the non-rich class to exit the plane. We bee-lined it to luggage and (REALLY) it was already there! Counting our amazing blessings already we walked out on to the curb and here came the shuttle already! So we got on, and yes his FIRST stop was our stop...thus I was able to have that heart desire fulfilled. Definitely a tender mercy of the Lord!


Katie Groneman said…
I shook his hand TWICE! It's good to be in the stake choir and then to get lost in the flow of the mob.

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