Erica's sister (Ann Marie) has given birth to triplets!!

Erica's sister, as you remember, was expecting triplets. Well, she had them this morning, and so far they are seeming to do pretty well considering that they are 2 months early. Check out their blog:

What an adjustment they are in for! From one child to 4! She'll need a lot of help!


Marilyn said…
You will notice that their combined weights are not as much as Brett or BJ were!
Katie Groneman said…
Wow, I hope they keep doing well. Congrats!
Erica said…
Ann-Marie actually gave birth last night, around 6:30 pm. Too many miracles have happened for us to even count. We are truly grateful. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
Marilyn said…
Erica, sorry if I stole your thunder! I am sure you will forgive me! I was excited that the babies are doing better than expected, so I had to share!
Erica said…
I actually wasn't planning on posting it on this blog, since it's the Groneman blog and everyone who has access to this also has access to my FB, where I have been updating my status and they could find out updates there.

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