As I go about my travels, I begin to think there may be merit to Aunt Ann's anti-germ ways. Maybe it's just because I'm in public restrooms more, but I swear 50% of people don't wash their hands after using the restroom. I've started to use the trick of using the paper towel to open the bathroom door when leaving.


Unknown said…
I've been using that trick for a long time. Everyone should know it.
Gramps said…
Yea, there's a few people at Novell that I always see come out of the stalls and head directly for the door. Anytime I see them in the halls I feel I need to run and wash my hands. Aunt Ann, OTOH, is a special case.
Marilyn said…
Hey there was the story on National News a week ago where they talked about how 90% of the people in a luxury hotel got sick with a nasty, intestinal type problem, and they said that most of them wouldn't have gotten it if they'd just washed their hands. Precautions are a good thing!
Stevo said…
PSU conducted a study to see if putting a sign in the bathroom saying “Please wash hands” would increase the likelihood of men to wash their hands more. They found 42% of men still didn't wash their hands after using public restrooms. So when your male boss motions to shake your hand, hand him your pen.

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