Fill in the blanks:

This/last week I was in ___________. I saw ____________. At the airport one day _____________ You should have seen _____________ I __________ my new GPS, it works _________. Speaking of GPS ____________. Last week my roommates and I ____________. Kirk ___________. Garby _______________. I went out with _________________ last ________. We _________. I think I _______ ask her out again. Oh, and I forgot...while I was in ____________ I went to this restaurant (don't remember the name) and had _______________. It was pretty good. I also bought a new ___________.

I'll post an update next week - Love Chad.


Marilyn said…
As far as I know, the internet works where ever you go right? Tell us where you are and what your life is like now. Do you ever have time to socialize anymore? Etc. We are waiting anxiously to hear from our seemingly departed Chad....

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