Do you feel blessed? Three posts from Chad within about 5 minutes!
I want a bit of discussion about a recent turn in advertising. Recently, I've noticed a lot of advertisements that appeal to people's egos. Ads like, "You should eat this, because you're a champion" or "you've worked hard, and deserve a reward. Reward yourself with ____".
I don't know why, but I find this troubling. It's a slightly different angle than the "Be like Mike" ads. It's more like, "You are Mike. You should get everything you want." I don't like that message.
Have y'all noticed ads like this? What are your thoughts?


Unknown said…
So I really never ever see TV. And never watch commercials. It's nice. Anyway, I therefore haven't really noticed things like that. And I can't say that I've really noticed a change in the way things are advertised on the front of the wheaties boxes either.
Gramps said…
I do feel blessed! Tho I condensed the white space out of your post because I print these every month and save them. Hope you don't mind. Can't say I remember seeing many commercials like that nor did they really affect me when I did. I tend to tune out commercials unless they are funny. I actually like watching TV on the network web sites...very few/very short commercials and usually I can fast forward through them.
Chad said…
I haven't noticed these ads on TV, now that I think of it. I see them in print ads - airport billboards and restaurants advertisements.
Gramps said…
I couldn't even tell you what the myriad of billboards between Orem and Provo along the freeway say, let alone what is in airports. I know it will come as a shock to you, but I'm not in airports/restaurants as much as you are. Advertisements have to be really catchy to get my attention.
Cambrienelson said…
I'm a nice person.... I deserve....sour straws!

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