I read a little article about fraud prevention and thought I should pass on a bit of info. and use checks wisely. Checks have all the information on them that bad guys need to access your account. Only give them out to trusted vendors. Credit cards, on the other hand, are much safer as credit card companies have spent a lot of time and money to prevent fraud. Also, thieves are working with the card company's money, not yours when they steal it (if you report it promptly). Debit cards are in between. They don't have your info on them directly, but they take money directly out of your account so there's not as much safety net there.

You pro'ly already knew the above. What you may NOT know is that there is a number you can call to get yourself opted out of a lot of unsolicited credit card and insurance offers. 1-888-567-8688 (careful you don't misdial...I did the dyslexic thing and got a thing that sounded like a scam......) They'll verify your phone/address/SSN and get you delisted for 5 years from the credit reporting companies giving your info to vendors. Cool. I need that.


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