LOGISTICS: Two trips to the airport on the 26th. 5 people and luggage to be picked up on the first run. Impossible for one little car as well as for two cars that already have 2 drivers and 2 kids in car seats. Should we be looking at booking an airport shuttle or do Dastrups have something else in mind? Same situation on the 1st. (5 passengers & luggage & drivers, flights only 30 min. apart) so it looks like we need to book a shuttle service for both days. Also, 2 hour 20 minute difference between the arrival of Gronemans and Nelsons on the 26th make for us waiting in the airport for Nelsons & shuttling together or Dastrups picking up Nelsons. Which shall we do? Can Dastrups take the three of us to the airport on the 2nd? We're looking to Dastrups for guidance on what will work best and remember how much luggage a woman can bring for one week....... Oh, and did anyone notice that people who's names end in "Groneman" arrive at 2:20 and anyone who's name ends in "Nelson" arrives at 4:40. Wow. Double the numbers in 2:20 and you get 4:40. .....and there's almost double the amount of people coming at 2:20 than there is at 4:40! There must be something mystical going on here.......


Cambrienelson said…
us Nelsons are light packers- only one carry-on each... well, except for Kiera (if we need to bring a stroller)

I'm wondering if dastrups have a car seat and stroller that we can use or if we need to bring ours.
Marilyn said…
Christa says that their van holds 7 people, so 4 coming in at the same time should be fine. CK also said that they have 2 cars so they can both come if we want, but since it has to be 2 trips anyway cause we don't all fit in 1 vehicle, it works fine that Steve and Cambrie are coming in 2hr20min apart. I think that the Dastrups will be happy the week is done when it is though :)
Christa said…
Dastrups do have a car seat and many strollers to choose from. So come on down! We look forward to it.
Cambrienelson said…
I'm offended that dad's computer thinks my name and my daughters name are spelled wrong!!!
Chad said…
I can sit in an airport for a couple of hours - I do it all the time.
Gramps said…
Cambrie, computers are dumb...only people are smart...wait....let me qualify that.....

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