So, I turned on my computer today, and when I came back a minute later, southwest Airlines was on my screen. That was very strange because it should have turned on my home page, not Southwest. And I don't have Southwest airlines as anything that should have come up automatically anyway, and I haven't even been to their site anytime in the last 4 months, and Kim hadn't pulled it up either. So I am sitting here, staring at this screen and wondering why in the world it is on when I hadn't called for it. So, I decided to check flights to Baltimore in April. Right now, and I don't know how long it will last, there is an "internet special" to fly one way for $99.00 from SLC to Baltimore. It is a sign guys!!!! (Kim is skeptical about the sign bit, of course) But hey, I have never seen flights for so cheap. And it makes me wonder what I don't know about it that makes it "too good to be true". Does anyone know if specials like that are still changeable without penalties on Southwest? I would call the airline and ask them, but it is Sunday. But this may not be there I am agonizing. Hey, if we can change the date with no penalty, then we should buy NOW (tomorrow since it is sunday today.) Anyway....I do think it is time to nail this down people! Christa, I hope you have been able to talk to those folks at Ivymount. We need info ASAP. We'll talk soon.

By the way Brett and BJ. Are either of you planning to go to school summer first block? If so, what day does that start? It would need to be fit into our schedule.


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