The beach was a bust. Well, ok, not a complete bust, but it was not nearly as great as it could have been. It was only 70 degrees or so and the water was COLD. It was a bit windy which made it feel quite cold. Waves were not that great. I caught 2-3 on my boogie board, but buff didn't stick around in the water long enough to get the hang of it (we were pretty cold). Kiera wasn't too fond of the beach either. She wouldn't eat after I came in from the water because apparently I was too salty for her tastes (even after I showered) and she was screaming her tiny head off. Poor thing!! Oh well, we had a learning experience, and a bit of fun too.


Marilyn said…
I think I see Devin. Who is the other guy?
So are the umbrellas your too, or the Nelson parents?
One thing seems sure: You have the beach to yourselves!
Marilyn said…
I love pictures on the blog! Thanks guys. It actually LOOKS like a beautiful day at the beach. Maybe if we zoomed in on your goosebumps, it would tell a more correct story, eh?
Breanna said…
The other guy is Kyle, steve's younger brother. It was pretty nice when we first got there but then the mist rolled in and it never really cleared up so it was pretty chilly. The umbrella's are the neighbor's who apparently have everything you could possibly need to go to the beach.
Gramps said…
Looks like you're having like a real California like experience like. I like the picture of little Kiera laying on the mat looking at the camera. She's so cute!
Cambrienelson said…
It's not a mat-- it's a boogie board dad!! (you are SO from Utah)
she is practicing for when she gets older

: )
Gramps said…
I'm a Utah'n true blue, through and through and darn proud of it. We don't need no "boogy boards". We have skis!
Gramps said…
Oh, and wouldn't it be cool if ALL your pictures from the beach were online in Picasa in a *public* album where we could just link to it in the left menu and gander at them any time we wanted to and download the entire bunch at once?.....yea...that would be cool.

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