BRAINBASHERS Common Answers - May
424  Steven Nelson
892 Brett Groneman
1327 Christa Dastrup
1347 Kim Groneman
2033 Cambrie Nelson
Good job Steve. Actually, we're all pretty pathetic this round :-) And I can't believe there are this many people bad at math. The correct answer wasn't the most common!
Q10. Name 30 divided by a half.
Note that the correct answer is actually 60, 30 divided by 2 is 15.
1 15 1173
2 60 935
3 2 69
Anyway...come on you slackers. Get entered for June:


Cambrienelson said…
I did the math right-- but I almost decided to put the wrong answer because I figured everyone else would have put the wrong answer.
Unknown said…
I echo what Cambrie said. My story exactly.
Gramps said…
And I was thinking about putting Tomato as the vegetable that grows above the ground, but I thought EVERYONE knew a tomato was a fruit so I had a hard time deciding. I suppose from now on I should assume people know nothing.

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