Happy Mother's Day!!! We want to thank our wonderful Mom for all that she has done for each one of us. As the mother of only two, I have no idea how she did it with five. Good work, Mom! We're glad that you survived us! We would also like to recognize and honor Cambrie today. Becoming a mother was a lot harder for her than it is for most, and we want to acknowledge all the sacrifice that she has already made on Kiera's behalf. We hope that you had a special first Mother's Day!


Marilyn said…
Well said Christa. I couldn't have said it better myself (about Cambrie). I remember when I had 2 children, I thought the same thing about my mother. But it actually gets easier with more, as long as the kids are well behaved. The older kids become assets instead of high maintainence. You were good kids, so that made my life easier. So thanks yall.
Gramps said…
Mother's day: We went to church then went to see Grandpa G. When we got home, Chad was here and Brett showed up soon afterward. Chad at 1/2 loaf of homemade bread while waiting for us. Yer mom made lasagna, brocoli, salad for all the extended family on her side (yea, all the kids & grandkids). Keith's fam didn't come but the rest did. All the Weber grandkids thought our backyard was their own private play ground. When Tanner got home, he told Carrie he thinks they should move here. Those kids had a ball rolling down the hill, playing in the playhouse, playing croquet, and throwing rocks in the stream.
Gramps said…
Oh, yer mom got a nice necklace, a nice bracelet, a lantern hanger for her garden, and a refrigerator guard pig for mother's day.
Marilyn said…
You forgot 2 DVDs that I really wanted! Thank you all, for your great gifts...it helps an ol' gal such as myself feel valued. I sure love my Family!

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