So I think I've aquired myself a job. I start in..... um.... 20 mins from now. It is a babysitting job for a lady who lives near me. $10/hr and I can bring Kiera. The lady is a "stay at home mom" but only has 2 kids, a gardener, a housekeeper, a nanny, a "play theropist" etc. But as long as she pays me I don't really care how wierd she is. I just hope her and her family are not blond as I think I have discovered that Kiera does not like people with light colored hair. It would be totally sweet if it worked out that I could work for her 20 hrs/wk or something (and Kiera didn't mind too much) as we are about to go plunging deep deep deep in to debt.
I guess we'll see how it goes.


Chad said…
Hmm.. Sooo... You're babysitting while the Nanny takes off or something? Whatever the case may be, congratulations. Money is good. Is it tax-free?
Gramps said…
This person is getting a heck of a deal. A certified nurse to babysit for way cheaper than nurse wages. It's probably one of the few jobs you can take Kiera to however.
Cambrienelson said…
Yes, tax free. : )

It was a bit hair-raising though-- I don't know if I'll be able to handle it or not. both of her kids had terrible colds and were attacking Kiera constantly (putting their hands in her mouth and poking her in the eyes. We'll see if I can handle it.
Christa said…
How old are the kids? I can imagine that it would be a challenge to keep Kiera on her schedule and things with two other kids around.
Unknown said…
Sounds like my Macey's job. S10/hour, babysitting.
Cambrienelson said…
girl: 15 months
boy: nearly 3 but is just barely learning how to talk.

both are potty training.

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