Bravo, Kudos, Congrats, Laudation, Ovation, Plaudits, and in all other ways, Good Job Brigham.

Well I knew that graduation thing was coming up. I just didn't know exactly when 'til just recently. Congratulations Dr. Dastrup. I mean, of course you always had my congratulations all along, so I don't know what is different about it now. I guess Johns Hopkins and the world can now give you their congratulations too. The world can now begin to be humbled by your wisdom, and I'll just continue that process as usual. Way to go Brigham.


Chad said…
Here, here! A toast to Doctor R. Brigham Dastrup, PhD!
Cambrienelson said…
Congratualations Brigham! (and Christa for enduring as well). I hope that all of that hard work and dedication for so many years to get into medical school and then get through medical school pays off... I'm sure it will. Congrats on being DONE!!!
Cambrienelson said…
Congratualations Brigham! (and Christa for enduring as well). I hope that all of that hard work and dedication for so many years to get into medical school and then get through medical school pays off... I'm sure it will. Congrats on being DONE!!!
Breanna said…
Congrats! wow...that is a huge accomplishment! Kudos to you! You done good :-) how does it feel to be a Dr? You worked hard and you deserve it!
Marilyn said…
I think that the good Dr and his wife are up to their eyeballs in packing up to move out. The little Dastrups should be at our home this Friday, I think. And the Dastrup parents will be coming this weekend too. We'll let you know a plan for a gathering when we get more details from the Dastrups.

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