Hey family, I actually have something to write about! I know I know....shocking. So on friday, I went to a YSA dance at the redlands stake center and there weren't that many people there, only about 30 in the cultural hall, but the DJ was really good and we had tons of fun. Some of the pictures are at the dance. Last night we had a home warming party at our new apt and it was a big hit. We had invited a whole bunch of people from our ward and didn't know how many were coming so from about 1:30 pm till 7:00pm when people started showing up, we were making all kinds of food. We made 2 cake sized pans of beef enchiladas and 2 cake sized pans of chicken enchiladas and we still had extra ingrediants to make at least one more pan of each kind. We made homemade salsa and guacamole, some refried beans and mexican rice and then we made a pan of brownies and some fudge. about 12 people came to our gathering and ate 2 full pans of enchiladas, half the salsa the brownies and the fudge. People are over here tonight and finished the salsa and the rest of the chicken enchiladas. We only have one more pan of beef enchilads left out of all the food we prepared from last night. Good thing we have the fixin's to make more chicken and beef enchiladas :-) oh and we let the male figures of our group know today that we are only going to hang out with them on mondays, wednesdays, and Fridays, unless they have dates because they never ask out any girls on dates cause we are always hanging out with them every night. So yeah, those are the events of my life. here are some pictures from the dance and the gathering last night.


Gramps said…
Sounds like a fun party.. What is it with Southern California and Mexican food anyway? Nice pictures...thanks for sharing. PS. the guy on the right looks like the one.
Chad said…
Good deal. I hope the address is the same one Mom gave me. BTW everyone, invitations are IN THE MAIL! Erica and I spent a long time addressing & stuffing. Some of her family helped, and Mom helped. We're glad that's done. Brett, 7 months is a long engagement. But at least you'll have time to get things organized and not feel stressed. Let me give you a hint - Get started on the invitation lists now. I think they've been the biggest source of stress for Erica and me, as far as wedding preparations go.
Marilyn said…
Thanks for sharing the pictures! So what did the boys say with your "announcement"?
Cambrienelson said…
good job buff. good pictures. I need to come and see your place!

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