I really don't know how I could be happier! This year has been SO GOOD to us, I really can't remember a better year ever! But of blessings too numerous to mention, by far the best is the fact that our 2 boys have found such FABULOUS girls to marry and spend time and Eternity with! WE are THRILLED!!! I cannot think of (nor do I think that they exist) anyone I would rather have my boys marry! AND, we are happy that they are both from Utah Valley, and we are in hopes that that will mean that they can put down roots here, forever, and we can have some grandkids to love on that are close!
You all know how I made it a matter of Temple prayer, and fasting, and continuous prayers that Chad would be able to find his Eternal sweetheart an marry her this year. I knew it would happen, and I felt so blessed over that and the fact that both Cambrie and Christa's families were able to get into nice homes and good circumstances to endure the next 3-4 years of Dental school/residency with. Then there was the blessing that Grandpa Groneman was released from this life, as he wanted to be. ....and other blessings that would take lots of space to expound upon. But basically, there have been so many blessings, that I have felt overwhelmed and really humbled by the opening of the windows of heaven, because I realize that although I prayed for all of those blessings, I don't DESERVE any of them. I am what King Benjamin would call "an unprofitable servant". I have great desires to serve God in meaningful ways, but I am not very efficient or efficacious at any of them. I WANT to do Genealogy, and give our dead ancestors who's work hasn't been done, the temple blessings that I enjoy, but so far I haven't been able to do so. I want to teach Sunday School like John Bytheway or Brad Wilcox, and really be totally effective in that calling, but I am not THAT effective...there are a lot of things I wish I could do better to serve the lord and help his children to know the happiness and peace I know because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that I love...but my ability to do so doesn't keep up with my desires to be effective. So anyway, with all of the blessings that I have felt overwhelmed and unworthy with, I really hesitated to ask the Lord for yet another "biggie"-- that of wanting the Lord's assistance (if it was his will) in helping Brett to "catch" Katie! I felt guilty to do so, but I have loved Katie for so long, and wanted Brett to marry her, that I asked anyway(doing so, asking also for forgiveness in being so greedy with asking for so many blessings this year!) So, honestly, I am still pinching myself that Brett gets to marry Katie! WOW! Words just cannot possibly express how happy I am! More than anything, a parent wants to know that their children are going to have the happiness that comes in finding the right person to spend this life with, and eternity! We could not be happier for our children with those they have chosen! I am just SO GRATEFUL!!! And our grandchildren will have wonderful parents, and in a world as crazy and mixed up as this one continues to get, that is a HUGE benefit!
I truly have stood "all amazed" at the Love Jesus offers me this year. I have pondered it over much of the year. And I have found answers to those ponderings in my Sunday school manuel and in a talk by Dallin Oaks. The fact is this: That the Lord doesn't just bless us for what good we are able to DO, but also he blesses us for the "righteous desires of our hearts", weather or not we are very productive! We will also be judged when we die, according to our hearts desires, not just that which we have been able to do. And for people like me, that is a great thing! My testimony has grown so much over these last 4 years of teaching Sunday School, and listening to Conference repeatedly on my MP3, that I just wish I had the ability to share what I know in my heart, with every person on the planet, because if everyone had that knowledge the world would be full of happiness and peace, and there would be no problems that man creates for himself with his own choices.
OK, enough. Kim will say I am getting preachy...but I cannot help to spill over some of the joy that has come to me this year because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! HOW BLESSED WE ARE!!


Gramps said…
Put it in perspective girl...it wasn't a perfect year...you still had to live with me. By the way, I was wondering about your comment: "my Sunday school manuel" .... are the Mexicans coming over the border to help with these kind of jobs now too? Maybe just the Mormon Mexicans. Does he save you much time? You can't teach Sunday School like John Bytheway or Brad Wilcox if you have Manuel do the lessons for you. But yea...I get the drift of your post. I'm a happy doobie too.
Erica said…
I am truly grateful too! We are so blessed! :) Thanks for sharing your testimony with us.

Does this mean Katie will start to post too? (Maybe she already has in the past, but I haven't noticed since I've been around...) Yay!
Marilyn said…
We want Katie! We want Katie!!!......

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