A social worker from the county came to visit Danthony yesterday. She told me that his next court day is some time next week (unknown day). She said basically the judge has to determine if his injuries were accidental (as his parents claim) or abuse. She was explaining to me that this is a very differnt court case because there are only 2 possible options for him:
1. Judge determines it was an accident-- his parents can come and pick him up that very day and take him home.
2. Judge determines that it was abuse-- Danthony goes up for adoption and his parents never see him again.
Um, those 2 choices seem a bit extreme to me. Especially because there is no evidence in the case other than a broken femer bone and the word of Danthony's mom and grandma.
The social worker told his that if he goes up for adoption we would be first choice for adoptive parents if we wanted him. We don't want to adopt him though. There is a huge list of familes who want babies.


Gramps said…
I would hate to be that judge. It reminds me of the horror stories I've read about dealing with "Brittle Bone Disease" and how some parents have had to fight they system for years to retain custody of their children. Not that Danthony has that, but if all you have is a broken bone and the word of the parents...no witnesses...against the word of the medical staff who NEVER make mistakes (read "Complications") they need to keep him with his parents..of course I don't know all the details. Keep us informed.
Erica said…
Wow. That's crazy! It's been fascinating learning/reading about all you've been dealing with lately.
Christa said…
I thought you guys were a family who wants a baby and has a hard time getting one of your own. Mom says that your surrogate mother is no longer sure if she wants to go through with it. (Not that you should adopt Danthony if you don't want to.)
Gramps said…
I was thinking the same, though I thought Punkin' would bring up the possibility if it were something she was interested in. Seems like a very easy/cheap way to adopt if that held any interest. My guess given what I've been told though, is that he will be given back to his parents. I'm just kind of surprised you (Cambrie) don't have interest in adoption at this stage of the game.
Marilyn said…
This surrogacy thing isn't decided for sure, one way or the other. What if she adopted Danthony and then the surrogacy went ahead as planned and she got twins? She would have 4 babies under 2. A bit nuts I would say. Cambrie has had her challenges this week with 2 babies, one sick and one in a cast, while she was sick herself. Hard enough, huh punkin?
Cambrienelson said…
Yes, I agree with many comments. It is strange to me, but we have no desire to adopt Danthony. Maybe it's because it just isn't want we're suppose to do. It does seem like a quick/easy way to get an additional family member. Who knows, maybe we'll become attached to the next foster baby(if there is one).

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