Update on Dastrups: First, our backyard is finally landscaped. It looks like a first-rate prison yard now. They extended the patio and then filled the rest in with gray rock. I'm grateful for the patio and the fact that the dirt won't blow everywhere anymore, but it's pretty depressing to look at. At least the weeds provided some color.

Yesterday one of Cambrie's kiddos called us for the second time in a week. The first time it happened, I could hear Cambrie talking in the background and one of the kids making noise. I shouted to Cambrie for several minutes, but got no response, so I finally hung up. Yesterday I didn't answer, and there was a very long voicemail of background noises. Looks like Kiera's trying to get in touch with her favorite cousins!

Yesterday we also tried hiking again. We hiked to the top of one of the old volcanos close to our house, and this time we had the brilliant idea of putting Jacob in the jogging stroller for the hike-- that way he wouldn't even know that we were hiking! Wrong. He wailed the ENTIRE hike, despite bringing various toys for him to play with. What does that kid have against hiking, and how did he know??? Unlike the rest of us, Benjamin had a great time and decided that we really should camp on the top of the volcano. Anyone want to join us?

A quick plug for a great movie and a great read: Anyone who hasn't seen "The Ultimate Gift" really needs to, and I also highly recommend the book "Complications" by Atul Gwande (a surgeon who spoke at Brigham's graduation). It's a fascinating book that discusses subjects such as nausea, obesity, autopsies, why some doctors are better than others, etc. and gives you better insight into Brigham's life right now and the field of medicine in general. I think you all should read it, but especially you nursing folks.


Gramps said…
I wonder if Cambrie knows her minutes are being eaten up this way. :-O Sure! I'd love to camp on one of those volcanos with Benjamin! I'm about half way through the "Complications" book....very interesting. I just read the little section describing the experiences of a hyperemisis (sp?) patient. There's some very eye opening things in that book and I'll second your recommendation, at least on the half I've read.
Cambrienelson said…
Yes, Kiera really is trying to get favorite niece status. Is it working?

we've never been brave enough to go on any more hikes with Keira since timp cave
Erica said…
I've seen "The Ultimate Gift." I agree that it's excellent.
Marilyn said…
I am currently reading "Twilight" because of several good recommendations. Interesting, but I see why Christa said she could have done without all of the extended HS girl details. She does go abit overboard. If the library will let me renew Complications, I will read it when Kim is done.
Marilyn said…
About your prison compound. Next spring, you can improve it's looks immensely with container gardening. A few large pots with flowers or bushes would help alot.

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