I'd just like to announce that I ran 10 miles today. I know it's nothing compared to you marathon people, but it is big for me (especially since I haven't ran more than 3 miles since I got Danthony-- I need a double jogging stroller!)

I'm going to be spending my day today with Danthony's parents. Fun fun fun.


Gramps said…
10 miles sure seems like a long way to me. Does the money they pay you for taking care of Danthony cover spending a day with his parents?
Cambrienelson said…
yep. part of the job
Christa said…
Wow! Congrats! Ten miles is far, no matter how far anyone else has run! Just be careful-- jumping from 3 miles to 10 could cause an injury!
Marilyn said…
Sounds far to me. I try to walk 3 miles each day, and that is as good as it gets. This week there was one day that I did the 3 miles and then Kim came home and we did 1 more for him. It was all pretty much on the level, but I was sore! I did put the treadmill on a 3.8 mile setting, which is a little faster...but I didn't expect to be sore!

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