Buff's picture reminded me of a story: I'm not usually one to make trouble or start a fight but one time I unintentionally started a doozy of a knock down, drag out fight. I was minding my own business one day driving down the street just looking at the scenery and not paying much attention. There was a car stopped at a stop sign ahead of me signal indicating it was making a right turn. I also was making a right turn and I stopped behind this car. It started to go so I looked left to make sure no cars were coming, which they weren't and stepped on the gas. Well I hadn't noticed that the car hadn't gone but stopped again and I ran smack dab into the back of it. The driver opens his door and steps out and it's this little guy, probably about 4 feet tall that has all the characteristics of a midget. I could tell he was angry as he walked back to my car. I rolled down the window and he put his fists on his hips and said "I'm not happy!" to which I replied "Then which one are you?". That's how the fight got started............
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