Family, meet Little Groneman. This is his/her picture at T-minus 25.5 weeks (that's 10.5 weeks along). We can't wait!!! See his head? See his arm? See his feet? Are those toes?!?!?!


Christa said…
Wow! How fun! Congrats again, you guys! I do see something... but I just can't tell what! That's cool that they did an ultrasound-- with our pregnancy in Utah, you got one ultrasound around twenty weeks-- no more--period. When is your next ultrasound?
Gramps said…
[blow the trumpets, queue the orchestra] THAT'S MY GRANDAUGHTER/SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEE MY BIG SMILE HERE
Chad said…
BTW, it's due Dec. 13th. One day before our anniversary.
Chad said…
It sounds like we'll get an ultrasound at every visit. But I'm not sure. The doctor said he wants to do it on a better machine - the one that did this is 2 generations old apparently.
Gramps said…
Oh yea...I forgot. Where's my manners: "Hi little Groneman!" [waving]
Cambrienelson said…
Awesome! You guys are growing an alien jellybean! Fun stuff to see your own posterity hu? I noticed you used the pronount "his" alot.

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