We are having all kinds of fun with little Kiera and her momma! We just got home from our trip to Thanksgiving Points farm animals. She was fun to watch! Mostly she just liked putting around checking out the different scenery, but she did get well enough acquainted with the animals that she had a new interest in farm animals when we left the place. Before we left, there was a table with some farm animal toys that kids could play with. We let her play with them for awhile, and then we said, "Ok, Kiera! Let's go!~" She promptly proceeded to gather up all of the animals and started to walk towards the door.... Yessireee, Cambrie and Steve are training that little girl early! ;)
Also, you will have to watch the movie that we took of Kiera with her first snow experience the other day! It is great! I will have to leave that to Kim or Cambrie to add, I don't know how....but she had already touched the snow with her hands and didn't like it a BIT! We have had a delightful time with her and punkin here, and yesterday Cambrie helped me out with a MUCH DREADED JOB! Yes, we got up in the attic and brought down all (well, almost) of the toys, and organized them, and went and got good containers for them, and boxed them up so they will be ready to go on the shelves (soon to be put up) in the playroom Kim has been building. It is going to be a fun place for kidos! Course, he hasn't started on the North side of the playroom yet....and he still has to put in the drop ceiling....but it should be done by the time there is a wedding in July, so that will be nice! Anyway, too bad the rest of you aren't here to soak up that darling Kiera! "More fun than a park!" (as Cambrie would say!)