Gramps is sad. It's just not fair that my cute little grandkids are growing up, playing, and being cute and I can't see them every weekend. Just not fair at all. I will miss my sweet little Kiera. She ran to me with open arms when her mom was chasing her playing tiger. She turned to me for comfort when big mean uncle Chad came into the room. She came and gave me a big loud slobbery kiss. Her little fingers wrapped around my big finger as she drank her milk before being put down to bed for the last time at Grandma's house. I love that little lady and will miss her and her mom greatly.


Christa said…
I understand that you are upset, but, um... that picture is a little on the vulgar side. Would you mind changing it so I don't have to explain to Benjamin why a man smoking and making obscene hand gestures is on our family home page?
Chad said…
Umm.. Yeah. You might want to change the picture.
Gramps said…
Argh! They changed pictures on me. Sorry!
Christa said…
Much better. Thank you!
Marilyn said…
yes, it is true. Kim laid in bed and cried last night because Cambrie was taking Kiera home today. Kim is great with little kids, and he was definitely favored over grandma. I don't mind though I enjoy watching them love and enjoy each other.
Brigham said…
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Brigham said…
If you need me to remind you of our address, let me know. You're welcome to come enjoy the boys any time you like! For free!
Gramps said…
Setting the record straight: I was NOT favored over Grandma. Yes Brigham, I know your address and if I was a free agent instead of an indentured servant with a need for camping, I could see your guys a little more. Alas and alack, I want them every weekend!
Cambrienelson said…
Kiera will greatly miss her gramps too. Mommy just can't play with her as much as she'd like.

At least she will remember ya'll now. She can identify everyone in a family picture except C+B, B+K

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