Groneman parental units have arrived safely back at their place of residence after one week and 2045 miles. More details coming L8R....I feel the need to stand up right now.


Marilyn said…
Yes, I will second that motion. But we had a great time visiting our kids!
Cambrienelson said…
I'll bet you miss Baby Signing Time already!! if you feel the need, you can call and we can sing it for you.
Christa said…
We're happy that you made it home safely in the Utah snow. If it gets too annoying for you, come on back down!
Gramps said…
Miss baby signing time? Heck, it's still rattling around in my head: "Baby, baby, baby signing time...."
Marilyn said…
Good thing for Kim that he has ceased and desisted on the urge to sing it!

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