We went to Zoo Boo today (which was insanely crowded and fairly pathetic although Benjamin still loved it since he got candy), and when we got home, Benjamin decided that he wanted Jacob's two Pixie Stix. Of course I knew that Jacob couldn't have them, but I'm not about to let Benjamin get into the habit of robbing people, so I told him that he could trade for them. I recommended that he give Jacob some Smarties (which he can have). Benjamin thought it over and then said, "I know! I'll give him a Tootsie Roll!" I said, "I don't know if Jacob wants a Tootsie Roll." Benjamin disappeared for a minute, and then came back exulting, "He did want a Tootsie Roll!" I asked, "How do you know?" He said, "I gave him one, and he took it!" Brigham and I went running in to where Jacob was playing in Benjamin's room, and sure enough-- he had the whole thing in his mouth, wrapper and all. He apparently was enjoying it very much, because despite Brigham's best efforts, he refused to surrender it. All that Brigham managed to get was a few pieces of wrapper and a mean bite. Jacob does like Tootsie Rolls, after all.

And speaking of Jacob, he has a new word: "gah." It means "Baby Einstein." It's the first thing he says in the morning, the last thing he says at night, and almost everything he says throughout the day when he's not in front of his "gah." But it is very clear from his eye contact and reactions that he knows what he's asking for!


Gramps said…
Of course he loves tootsie rolls. Who wouldn't?
Marilyn said…
Silly mom and dad!! OF COURSE he likes Tootsie rolls! Next time you need to know something, just ask Benjamin! Thanks for the laugh! And we're glad that the only one injured in the incident was Brigham. NOT THAT WE AREN'T CONCERNED ABOUT YOU BRIGHAM...

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