I started a babysitting co-op in my ward here in Loma Linda. Basically, each family has 2 days a month where they get to babysit for 3 hours. Today was my day. I had a Kiera, an 11 month old, a 6 month old, and an almost 3 year old. Kiera was the most difficult of the whole bunch! I think that she was jelous of the attention that I gave the 6 monther when I fed him and she got really upset when I changed the 11 monther's diaper. It was difficult to keep the babies from poking each other in the eyes and pulling hair, but otherwise wasn't too bad. My babysitting co-op is great because that means I can drop Kiera off to be babysat while I do my own thing (nap, shop, clean my house, etc). I highly recommend it to you all who have kids and who may be having kids in the near future.


Gramps said…
So the mothers decided to bring the kids even though Kiera was sick. I can see why she gets jealous.....you are her whole world. You're not supposed to spend time with anyone else!

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