Scary Date Night 2007

Erica and I had Scary Date night on Friday. It was good. We both got out of work early so we could get a good start.

It was all a surprise for Erica - She knew that we were going to SLC, and had tickets to something, but that was about it. We went and had dinner at the Market Street Grill. I ordered for Erica; she ordered for me. I had written down what I was ordering for her on a piece of paper so she wouldn't know 'till it came. I told her to order anything for me, and that part of it was to show her that I wouldn't be a picky eater. For those of you who don't know, Market Street Grill is a seafood place. Yup. Me and seafood. And I gave Erica the reigns.

She ordered an Ahi Tuna for me, and I gave the waiter the slip of paper. We talked and enjoyed ourselves. Both meals came with a salad, so we got those and ate those. The salads had shrimp, which I ate. Our meals came - My tuna was pretty much raw, but it was supposed to be that way. The very edges were seared and peppered, and an orange glaze covered it. Erica got Lobster & Sausage gumbo. She said she felt a little like Forest Gump. After we were done with that, we had a creme brulee with raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries. It was good.

From there we went to Kingsbury Hall for "Thriller", a dance show. Most of the dances were enjoyable, but the best part was the before & after - The "zombies" come into the crowd and scare people. They got Erica pretty good both before and after.


Marilyn said…
Looks and sounds fun. My question is are you going to CONTINUE to be a non-picky eater AFTER your married? My taste buds grew up alot after I got married, but there are still some things I still hate as much as I did at age 15.
Christa said…
Mom is STILL a picky eater! You can blame it on her, but good for you for trying to overcome it! So how did you both enjoy your dinners?
Gramps said…
I'll add my vote to yer mom still being a picky eater. Hey Chad, that looks like real fun! Did you finish your tuna? (sounds delicious to me.)

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