You all know the sorrow that we feel of Grandpa Jack Groneman's passing yesterday, and I have called all of you to let you know of his funeral arrangements. But I thought I would post all the info here so in case you need to refer to it again for any reason: We will not have a viewing the previous day. The viewing starts at 9:45 AM, and the funeral starts at 11:00. It is at the Walker-Sanderson funeral home on 800 No 600 E in Orem. He will be buried in the Orem City Cemetary. After that, we will proceed to our church ( by the roundabout) for a luncheon about 2 pm.
Chad, Brett you will both serve as pall-bearers. We have some of Saundra's and Lynettes kids assisting too. But we were short 1 so we have included Steve as a pall bearer too. It isn't certain Brigham will be coming now, but if he does, we will have him bring his violin to play a nice spiritual type number, so we will be including him there, which would be fabulous (but we would certainly understand the problems of having to bring a 2 and 4 year old along that far -twice- in 3 days). Steve and Cambrie have gone out of their way several times to do nice things-gifts, letters, visits for Grandpa, which we really appreciated so I am glad that we could include Steve as a pall-bearer.
Anyway. Hopefully that is everything.
Just curious. We aren't planning on dispersing Grandpa's stuff out of the apt until a couple of weeks from now, but is there anything in particular that you kids would like to have of grandpa's? Really, there is very little of any sentimental value. But he had electronic toys etc. Anything you might like to receive, let us know. Doesn't mean we can guarantee you would get it, but you more than likely won't if you don't let us know. When my Grandpa Haslem was moving, he put out feelers for people to come and get what they wanted (he was getting married and moving to a place that was already furnished and didn't have space for more). The kids didn't want to feel like vultures, so they really just didn't come and get what they wanted. So hand made quilts, heirlooms, furnishings......everything went to the DI. And it could happen again here, so let us know if you would like something. We are going to get rid of his clothes tomorrow. I don't think anyone would want anything there, so I am just going to give that all to Christine for Norman, who could use some more.
I think that is all for now. We sure appreciate the sacrifice that you kids are making to come so far/and get off work and school so you could be here. You guys are wonderful and we Love you TONS!! Still and as usual!


Stevo said…
Sounds good. I'd love to participate any way possible
Chad said…
Nobody wants to be a vulture at this point, but no, I can't think of anything of Grandpa's that I really want.

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