Come to the Pity Party!

Here I am sitting at home feeling sorry for myself that I am not able to be at the Relief Society General Meeting broadcast right now like most women because my husband has been working since before I got up this morning. And he will work all night and into tomorrow morning as well. I feel sorry for Brigham, too, but I feel sorry for him so much that I'm almost used to it. After watching all of the families at Benjamin's soccer game having a good Saturday together while I wrestled Jacob alone and could therefore barely watch the game, I decided to throw myself a big pity party. You are all hereby invited. Gifts are welcome.


Chad said…
Dang.. I misread and thought it was a Pita Party.

"I'll take one with ham, cheese, lettuce, toma... oh. Ooops."
Gramps said…
I'll join the pity party. Poor Christa. Poor Brigham. One day soon however, this will all be behind you and you'll be able to play with your husband more than most because you'll have time and money. When we leave your pity party can I start a jealousy party?
Marilyn said…
You do have your challenges with Brighams long working hours and Jacobs issues. If I were you, I would be saying nightly prayers that the good Lord above will send you an easy baby like Cambrie seems to get! You are going to need it and you definitely deserve it, but ya gotta ask for it to get the Lord's help.
I am serving trifle for parties cake everyone,come and get it!

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