Palin for President!

Did any of you see Palin's speech last night? She gets it. She's not perfect, but she gets it. She ripped the Democratic ticket quite a bit, but mainly she demonstrated that she knows what is going on in the average American Family, and she knows how to solve it, and has demonstrated that she can with Alaska.

She's my favorite candidate for the white house.


Erica said…
I get such a breath of fresh air watching her speak and thinking of her in Washington! I think she resonates with many average American families.
Gramps said…
I saw part of it, but had to mow the lawn so missed a lot of it. I liked her comment about the difference between a pit bull and a soccer mom being lipstick. :) Yea, she ripped on the democrats, but that was expected. The problem with that for me is that she spent a lot of time talking about what was wrong with their POV but didn't spend a lot of time talking about what she will do. Typical politician I suppose. I am concerned about the outcome of this "troopergate" problem she has in Alaska but I'm reserving judgment on that until all the facts are known. I was a little disappointed she didn't address that at all. All in all, a very good pep rally speech which is expected for the convention, but not a lot of substance. I actually enjoyed Rudy Juliani's speech more.
Erica said…
Here's a link to the text of the speech if you want to read it sometime:
Unknown said…
I watched the speech. She had a good speech writer anyway. And she did a great job on presentation, which doesn't necessarily make a good presidential or vice presidential candidate. We'll see how she does on not-pre-prepared public live debates. I thought her comment on "I voted against the bridge to nowhere" was a rather unwise thing to say as she actually was for it for a while and fought against those calling it the "bridge to nowhere". As I understand, she only changed her mind when Congress wouldn't pay for the whole thing.

And in the same speech, she ripped the Democratic ticket for not only flip-flopping positions, but their inability to make a decision at all.

But apart from my critiques, I think she did an excellent job last night. I wonder how McCain is going to follow up after a speech like that.
Gramps said…
He'll follow up with more of the same kind of rhetoric. I dislike politics and politicians in general and some more than others and the only reason I'll support McCain is because he's better than Obama, not because he's any good. I did the same when Bush ran against Kerry & Gore and look what that got us. If I'm assured all Utah's electoral votes go Republican, I may just not vote so nobody can blame me. I'd vote for someone like Joe Lieberman in a heartbeat over McCain even though he caucuses with the Democrats.
Christa said…
One thing that bugs me about her is that she makes such a big deal about being a "soccer mom". Any man who's had a child in soccer would be just as much a "soccer dad." Like she's ever at home mothering. I'd bet a lot of money that she has a nanny to do that.
Chad said…
She got rid of her personal chef, and her security detail (as governer, probably not as VP candidate).

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