We were introduced to the niftiest little beach yesterday and we went as a family with some friends. the beach was very small and encompassed by rocks. It had tide pools with creatures in them, and the water was clear so you could see around you. Our friends were snorkeling right off shore and said you could see a few lobster and a sea lion. All sorts of fun things washed up on shore, and since the beach wasn't heavily populated we got to find them: seashells, a coconut, a lobster head, etc.. Kiera wasn't nearly as mad about the sand this time, but she did prefer to hang out on the blanket. She got very upset and concerned when Steve went swimming (I wonder if she would care if I went swimming....probably not... she is always concerned about daddy's safety). Lydia slept in the stroller the entire time so a good time was had by all.


Unknown said…
So YOU have the alphabet blanket...

Hm. I guess that's okay as you have children and I have no desire to have the alphabet blanket anyway.

Looks fun kids.
Christa said…
Glad you guys get a break for a bit! I wish we could have gone with you! Funny how Kiera has no fear of water but is nervous about the sand.
Marilyn said…
Lydia has changed a lot already! She is one month old! Wish I could be there to kiss on those cute little chubby cheeks!
Gramps said…
I wish they could all be HERE so I can kiss on them all (well, maybe not Steve)

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