One more tidbit, as long as we are ripping on stupid things in govt. So I only got a 45 min or so intro to a HUGE problem in California last Sunday. Turns out that the California legislature has already legalized gay marriage in California...but in order for it to be ratified (I think that is the term) it is going to the vote in November. OK, most people are thinking, "that is disgusting, but as long as it doesn't really effect my life...then whatever!" Only the uninformed are in for a really rude awakening if it fails!!! It DOES take away their rights, and freedoms, and will hit them in the wallet big time too! Above is a flyer that they dispersed to the class during the "combined" meeting last Sunday.
Even worse is that while most people would oppose anything that would allow the above to happen, the way they have worded the proposition, if they vote against it (which is what you naturally think you would do if you don't want it becoming law), you would actually be voting for it to stay law. They are being very sneaky about wording it, to get it passed. And HOW on Earth these infuriating consequences could happen in a country which was founded upon the principals of freedom of religion, is beyond me! That is taking away your religious freedom to force churches which don't believe in gay marriage, and in fact abhor the very thought of it, to preform gay marriages in their churches or be open to a lawsuit! That is why the church is going all out down there to try to inform the public of what it really means and to get them out to vote....well, that and all of the other reasons. I never thought in my lifetime things would ever get so AMUCK that this is EVEN on the ballot! But I guess I shouldn't be surprised. After all, we know that in the last days the "constitution shall hang by a thread". I shudder to think what will happen if this fails! Sodom and Gomorrah, here we come!!


Erica said…
The whole thing infuriates me. Big time.

Another thing I heard that Obama has said he will do is get rid of protection of marriage acts in the states (I need to find the source on that, though). He is pro-gay marriage. Makes me crazy that the loud minority is making so many strides in this area. And because the Church is standing up against it, they are ridiculed for it (for getting involved in "politics").
Gramps said…
This is California. Nothing surprises me coming out of California.

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