I'd like to file a complaint:

I'm sending this complaint into the void since there is nobody to complain to. Did you know that there is a new rule in APA format that you are only ever suppose to have one space after a period--nomatter where that period is? I am so used to hitting the space key twice at the end of sentences that it is automatic. So, I now have to go through all of my papers and delete extra spaces at the end. Whoever decided to change the rule deserves death by beheading.

Thanks, I feel better now that I've vented.


Gramps said…
Does that mean I have to go through everything I've ever written and change it? I wonder if that will change any of my college grades..... How about question marks? I just put two spaces after these question marks.
Marilyn said…
You know, Cambrie, if you were in charge of our correctional system, I do believe we would have less crimals! I will vote for you.
Chad said…
I'm a rebel. I don't follow the rules.
Unknown said…
So in junior High in keyboarding class, that's how they taught us -- how it's "supposed to be done." Two spaces after every sentence. So I still have that habit, even though a couple of years later, I remember some class telling me it was now just one space. Sorry. I'm a two-space person.

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