I've been offered a job with DataDirect Networks in Maryland. I'm a little shocked that the offer has come so quickly. It pays pretty good, more than what I make here even factoring in cost of living expenses. Not sure what I want to post online about it. But I thought I'd let you all know that I'm seriously considering taking it.


Christa said…
Wow! Congrats! Big life decisions here, huh? We wait with baited breath to hear what you decide. When would you move if you take it?
Cambrienelson said…
maryland? crazy!! tough decisions to make
Marilyn said…
So, any way you can check out the singles wards and possibly find a good roomate until you decide if you want to live there enough to buy a place? This is assuming of course that you go. And I am not overly thrilled to lose another one of my kids to the far reaches of America...but I support whatever you decide, because I am certain that you wouldn't make that big of a decision without alot of thought and prayer first. And I am with Christa...when would you be moving if you take it?

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