So I was awake last night in my room while my roommate Jason was sleeping. It's fairly normal for him to sleep talk, but almost always it's a mumble that I can't quite put together into recognizable words, but last night, was different. He rolled over to sleep on his right side and in the process blurted out, "I'll see you at the judgment bar . . . "

I was amused.


Christa said…
I'm very curious-- what does he have against you?
Marilyn said…
Maybe you better see what you did that you need to repent of!
Gramps said…
Judgement bar? Just what kind of drinks have they been serving there?......
Cambrienelson said…
steve always says non-word phrases in his sleep: nuh-uh, uh-hu, oh, etc.. he just blurts them out all night long.

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