So if the Dastrups were to match at the University of Utah and moved to Utah in May, how many of you would still want to come out to Baltimore for a reunion in April?


Gramps said…
Tickets are bought....if you had a place to stay I'd still come. However, if you are really being facetious (no...really?!?), the great thing about SouthWest is that it's easy to change tickets...we could all fly up to Boise and see the sights *or* we could fly to Orlando or we could fly to.......etc. Yer mom and I could take a second honeymoon somewhere. It's all good. Heck, if you moved to SLC I'd happily just tear up the tickets and feel lucky if it came to that!
Gramps said…
Oh...and just remember. Family is everything. :-)
Chad said…
Hey, with a reunion in Utah at least I have my own bed to sleep in. We could find plenty of 5K's to run around here, and we would have less of a restraint on WHEN we do it (ok, ok, so the Nelsons would have to coordinate when to come so they could run as well).
Gramps said…
Kill two birds with one stone. Nelsons could run to Utah.
Cambrienelson said…
I'm just starting to get so I can run a mile again (I did for the 1st time this morning)-- dont' push it.

I think it would still be fun to go to Baltimore as a fam. Besides- when was the last time we went on a family trip together.... Disneyworld? It's been a while. Oh, and it would be tragic if Buff and Bert didn't get to see DC while the dastrups lived in Baltimore for 4 years.

Oh, and lastly, the good thing about us all being on the east coast is that ALL of us will be together and nobody will have to go to work, or do anything else but hang w/ the fam.
Unknown said…
I'd like to see the Baltimore and DC. But I'd be fine without seeing it if it's going to be a pain to have a family reunion when you're trying to pack up to move back to Utah. It would also be a lot easier (financially) for me to not have to get as much work off if we stayed around here and we had a few play days/evenings and I could still work in the mornings. So I'm happy either way.
Christa said…
It's not a pain-- it would be fun to have ya'll come. I just wanted to make sure you are all in!
Gramps said…
In for a penny, in for a pound.
Marilyn said…
Utah! Utah! Utah! I never even thought that any serious thought would come out of that interview. Brigham says that often after a few days of being home after an interview, it doesn't seem so good. So I am anxious to hear your points of view on U of U this Sunday.
I am fine with whatever we decide about April...

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