Well, we made it. 2 days of working like crazy and now all of our stuff is in the Nelson's garage. It was tough with Kiera around, but I must say that everyone who said it would be harder to move once the baby was born than it would be to move while pregnant was DEAD WRONG. I never could have done that while pregnant.
The elders quorum and missionaries helped us move. We had a big chip taken out of a piece of furniture (gratefully it wasn't one of my favorites anyway), but the terrible thing was that the missionaries bounced our headboard of our $500 bed down the stairs. It was wrapped in our comforter to help protect it, but they bounced it down the stairs. I still haven't dared to take off the comforter and survey the damage (say nothing of what it did to the comforter).
Oh, yesterday while we were cleaning our appartment I had Kiera on her tummy on the floor and she rolled over onto her back. I was surprised, but I put her back on her tummy and she immediately rolled to her back again. We have a tricky daughter.
Well I realized I will be able to blog more than I thought because I have to do my schooling online so I will be using a computer daily.


Gramps said…
Smart girl....she wanted to see what was going on! In *every* move we had our furniture got banged up more and more. It seems no matter how careful you are things just get scratched and dinged. So...now are you off to find a place to live? What's happening in that arena?
Cambrienelson said…
still looking for places. We have a backup plan in case we don't find a place we like better in the next 2 months

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