Baby Groneman News Flash:

They've changed our induction date to this Friday, December 5th. We wondered if they'd do that, since the 6th was as Saturday and the on-call doctor would have to do it. So one day earlier! We're still hoping she comes on her own before then, or at least that my body starts the labor process on its own so the risk of a c-section is lower. I have a dr appt tomorrow, so we'll see if any progress has been made. Your little granddaughter/niece/cousin is almost here!! :)


Chad said…
No, you can't change your guesses. They're locked. Mine included.
Marilyn said…
OhboyOhboyohboy...whoops, wait!
Oh Yea!!!!
BTW, kids, my offer to help you out with your new baby stands! :)
Erica, my guess is your mother is going to take some time off work to help you, but if you need more help when she leaves, let me know!
Gramps said…
It will be a week of excited anticipation over in our house!
Unknown said…
Wow. That's kinda nuts that you two are having a kiddie at the end of the week.
Erica said…
Thank you, Marilyn. I'll be sure to let you know if we need anything.
Christa said…
So exciting! If you weren't stuck in the house I'd advise you to go out and do something that you enjoy together every night-- after the 5th everything will be different-- and harder! But it's worth it! I think you guys should stick with the original guesses. Sometimes babies have to be induced-- you figure that in when you make your guess!
Gramps said…
I'm with you Christa. Original guesses should stand. However, neither you nor I make the rules on this one. :(

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