Thank you

You guys have been so generous to our little family, helping with a wide variety of things from Pregnant clothes to baby help books (and Mom and dad have helped with some large items as well). We've been meaning to call you all and thank you personally. We haven't expressed our gratitude like we should - we know we need to improve in that area, and be more timely in our gratitude. In the meantime, know that we are truly thankful.


Gramps said…
As you are starting to realize, there is nothing more precious than having a child. I have 5. I still think of each of them as precious. As they grow and mature and become their own person, they also become a parent's best friend in a relationship that will last until the parent's dieing day and beyond. Thank YOU for adding a wonderful wife and cute little grandchild into that relationship. As I told you last night, I don't understand how a heart can expand to love all these additions to our family, but it easily does.
Marilyn said…
Yes, you are certainly welcome! Happy to help out! I just love the women in your life!! (and the extra small one is SO FUN TO HOLD!)
Christa said…
We'd love to hear an update on how you are all doing when you get a minute!
Cambrienelson said…
amen to what christa said. We love pictures and videos!
Gramps said…
Does that mean you won't call him a blog hog again? ;-)

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