By Popular Demand...

Christa and Cambrie have requested an updated picture of Emmy be posted. Emmy has decided to humor her fan club, by releasing the shown photo.

In other news, Emmy has been selected to play Baby Jesus in the Krueger's upcoming Christmas pageant. She wasn't too sure about accepting that position, until we assured her that it's okay for her to play a boy, and that type of thing was done all the time.

She's very excited for the role now. Excited, but nervous.

We've been practicing the whole "no crying [s]he makes". It's been rough. Our practices have only sometimes been successful. She's nervous that she's going to forget her part. She even gets so nervous that she can't sleep through the night. Poor girl. Erica and I have been working with her to help her try to get enough sleep. But can you imagine the pressure that's on her for such a big role? As her parents, we totally understand. We know she'll do awesome, and we keep holding practices. Three more days of practice, then ... showtime! Too bad y'all will miss her big debut.


Gramps said…
Does she get her own dressing room? I'm sure she'll be fine. Do I have to go through her agent to get an autograph?
Marilyn said…
I think that her autograph might be a little hard to come by, but you could probably steal her footprint! You should take a movie of the great event and put it on the blog!
I think Lydia has the starring role in the production in Albuquerque!
So is she doing alright at night? Does she have her days and nights mixed up?
Marilyn said…
By the way, the picture is cute, but ONE?? Only one? Can't you proud parents do any better than that?? Sheeeshhh!
Cambrienelson said…
great picture and great posting.
Cambrienelson said…
great picture and great posting.

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