I have to acknowledge the tremendously traumatic event that Erica just went through. She literally passed through the valley of the shadow of death to bring little Emmy into the world. You people that are out of state wouldn't know that, beings that you haven't been able to see or talk to Erica. Without medical intervention, Erica would have died in childbirth. She was in labor for over 21 hours, pushing to no avail 2 1/2 hours of that. On her own power, she could not have brought little Emmy into the world...she had no energy left, and so they used forceps and pulled little Emmy out. She endured the process of getting 4 epidurals, which really did not do the job they were intended to do, and so she was in excruciating pain through most of that time. She only got about 3-4 hours of sleep in the 2 1/2 days and nights (up until last night when I went to visit them again), so she is exhausted beyond the normal loss of a lot of blood and exertion from giving birth to a baby.
I told Erica last night that giving birth to Christa was really close to Erica's experience giving birth to little Emmy. While I was pregnant with Chad, I would wake up at nights in a panic...my heart racing at the shear terror I felt that I was going to have to go through that again. Many prayers to Heavenly Father for help and his mercy were said during that pregnancy, that things would be better with Chad's delivery, and they were. The fear and panic I felt for those 9 months was actually worse than the event of giving birth to Chad was. The Lord answered those many prayers. The truth is, if I was given my choice of having to go through what I endured giving birth to Christa or giving birth to all four of my other children again, I would take the giving birth to all of the others again. Those who have never endured that experience that Erica has just endured, just will NEVER know how REALLY difficult it is, even to remember it.
Last night Erica said "I feel now that my Hyper-tension that I experienced was one of the Lord's tender mercies to me. I really did NOT want to have this baby with a C section, and had it not been for the High Blood Pressure I had, I wouldn't have given birth to Emmy for at least another week (1 more ounce heavier every day), and it would have been impossible to get her out any way other than another than a C section. My high blood pressure saved me from that outcome!"

There were other things, like a placenta that would not come out on it's own...and things that I am not at all sure Erica would want me to mention so I will not go on. But I would like to thank Erica for what she endured to bring this precious little Emmy into the world. I know it was a high cost that most don't understand (just as we really can't comprehend what Cambrie experienced with her Hyper-emesis because we haven't done that either). She will have a tough recovery, that I know. Chad has taken the week off this coming week to be with her and help. I am glad of that...but if you need any additional help, because Chad isn't experienced with new babies yet either, I would be Happy to come and help out for as long as needed.

I am so very grateful for each and every one of my children...they were all way past worth what one endures to bring a beautiful child of God into the world. I appreciate what each of my daughters (Erica included) do to not only give birth, but for the constant and loving tender care they give in raising those children in light and truth and love. Thank you, my sons and daughters for your great sacrifices you make to be great parents...it hasn't gone un-noticed! (update by Dad: New pictures of Erica & Baby uploaded here. )


Erica said…
Thank you, Marilyn. There are so many thoughts I could respond with, but no energy or time yet. Suffice it to say that I know Heavenly Father is very aware of our little family. I learned that in a deep and personal way.

Thank you to everyone for your prayers, support, and love. It's what carried us through. And we do love this little girl, beyond words. :)
Unknown said…
I think Katie has decided to not have children.
Marilyn said…
I said it was WORTH IT!!! :) :)
Gramps said…
I like babies. I like Erica. They're cool.

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