Vote Now: Should Cambrie get a Facebook Account?

Vote: Should Cambrie Nelson get a facebook account? She is the only one of that generation in the Groneman clan that does not have a facebook account. I love facebook and the ability it gives to see what is happening in the lives of people I care about (and care enough to give their updates to facebook) I vote YES.


Brigham said…
YES, that one was easy.
Cambrienelson said…
I've been tempted, but I spend enough time blogging I'm scared that I would double my internet time. But, I'll end this vote and say that I'll do it since I know what everyone will say.
Marilyn said…
I am certainly glad that we don't have to go to rally's to get that to happen! What a relief!!
I can see it could be addicting...but at least at this point, I am a casual participant there...I also don't want to get sucked in!

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